Monday, March 30, 2009

Darkfall Needs Slavery

I've just made a new post on Darkfall's Suggestions forum for a new feature I think is necessary for the game. Check it out.


  1. Erm... I've been following your thread for a week or so ago now, I really hope this is a one-off. I can only guess you're trying to make some point about 'hardcore' and I can sense your sarcasm, but still think it's in very poor taste.

  2. Yeah, it's satire of the Johnathan Swift variety, and probably in bad taste, I'll grant you. But while my slavery thread was closed by the moderators, a thread about SKINNING PLAYERS is, at this moment, still alive and active. Talk about hardcore! So you gotta be really over the top to satarize these I'm-harder-core-that-thou guys, I tell you.

    But I'm definitely sorry to offend 50% of my audience and I'm glad you're enjoying the regular ramblings. We now return you to your regularly scheduled carebear :)
